Download JEUNE AFRIQUE for PC on Windows 10/7 and Mac OS, here we provide the easy installation guide of JEUNE AFRIQUE PC on Windows 10 32 bit & 64 bit.
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Hey guys, this is going to be the guide where you can get how to download JEUNE AFRIQUE for PC and I’m going to let you know about the thing is pretty simple ways. You need to go through the guide I’m sharing down here and within a few minutes, you’ll be done with everything. Then you can start using this JEUNE AFRIQUE Android App at your computer.

The guide I’m sharing down here is going to work on any Windows and Mac computer and you don’t need to worry about anything since it will be a complete step by step process. You simply need to go through whatever I’ll be sharing with you and that’s all will be done from my end.

I’ll be sharing the features of JEUNE AFRIQUE PC first so that you can come to know exactly what it’s all about and how it’s going to benefit you in using it on your computer. You’re aware of the fact that JEUNE AFRIQUE App isn’t available officially for the PC platform but still, there is a way to do the same. If you find any trouble then just write it down in the comment section and I’ll bring out the solution as soon as I can.


Téléchargez gratuitement Jeune Afrique, l’appli 100% Afrique accessible 24h/24h et 7 jours sur 7 :
– économie, politique, société, sports, sciences, culture, business … toute l’actualité du continent décryptée par les meilleurs experts
– dossiers, débats, chroniques, enquêtes exclusives, interviews vidéo,… pour comprendre l’Afrique car savoir ne suffit plus
– pour les abonnés, un accès illimité à l’ensemble des articles

Les points forts de l’application :
– vous êtes alertés en temps réel par des pushs et des lives
– disponible hors ligne, vous ne passerez pas à côté des sujets qui font l’actualité
– vous naviguez très rapidement d’une thématique à une autre, d’un pays à l’autre, d’articles en articles
– vous pouvez vous abonner en quelques clics pour profiter des meilleurs analyses de l’actualité politique et économique
– vous partagez facilement les contenus sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Google +), par mail ou sms

Jeune Afrique vous informe depuis près de 60 ans, n’attendez plus pour télécharger son application !

Jeune Afrique
Bien s’informer, mieux décider

Procedure to Download JEUNE AFRIQUE for PC using Bluestacks Emulator

JEUNE AFRIQUE is an Android app and so you will require a nice Android emulator for using it on PC. Bluestacks is the most popular emulator which people use nowadays on their PC. Now, follow the below steps to download the JEUNE AFRIQUE PC version.

  • First of all, you have to go to the website of Bluestacks and later tap on the button “Download Bluestacks 5 Latest Version”.
  • Now go to the download folder and double click on the setup file to start the installation.
  • Then the installation process begins in some seconds.
  • You will have to give some clicks until you get the “Next” option.
  • The next step is to hit the “Install” button and the procedure will start in some seconds.
  • Further, tap on the “Finish” button.
  • The next step is to open Bluestacks and go in the search column and write “JEUNE AFRIQUE”.
  • Further, you have to click on the option “Install” which appears in the right-hand corner.
  • The next step is to click on the icon of the app and start using the JEUNE AFRIQUE app.

JEUNE AFRIQUE Download for PC using MEmuplay Emulator

  • First download MEmuplay from its official website.
  • Once it is downloaded then double click on the file to start the installation process.
  • Now follow the installation process by clicking “Next”
  • Once the installation process is finished open MEmuplay and go in the Search column and type “JEUNE AFRIQUE”.
  • Further click on the “Install” button which appears on the screen of the MEmuplay emulator, once the installation process has been done you can now use JEUNE AFRIQUE on PC.


This is how you can download JEUNE AFRIQUE app for PC. If you want to download this app with some other Android emulator, you can also choose Andy, Nox Player and many others, just like Bluestacks all android emulator works same.

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Corrections de bugs, amélioration de la stabilité et optimisation de l'app.


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